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Friday, April 20, 2012

How Big is BIG - Arcturus

Arcturus, the giant star.

Arcturus, the third brightest star in our night sky after Sirius and Canopus, sits in the Constellation of Bootes, or also known as 'Bootes the Herdsman'. As of now in the month of April in conjunction with the early rise of Saturn (near Spica), just look left towards ENE, this hugh star presents itself without any hassle.
Distance to Earth is about 36.7 light years away.  Not completely a 'red' star but somewhere in between would prove just right - an orange giant star.  See 'How Big is BIG' for comparison between Arcturus and Betelguese - don't fall of your chair!   Next up, Antares! Feel free to share your comments. Clear skies.

Size comparison.

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