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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Astro Setup

The Celestron Nexstar 4 SE is equipped with 'red-dot' guide scope and fitted into the barrel, is a Neximage CCD imager connected via USB to my Macbook Pro 15" laptop for image editing and processing. '4' means the diameter aperture of the scope is 4" wide - this correspond to the the size of the mirror as well.

The bigger the mirror, the brighter and clearer the image will be.  And with that comes a hefty price tag too!!
It is a 'Go-To' mount.  Just punch in a list of celestial objects you want to see and it will slew towards the position of the object selected by you.  But first you must enter the coordinates and details of your location into the scope's handheld computer so that the scope 'knows where it is on the Earth'!  Get it?

I not only have the Neximage CCD to photograph the sky but I also utilise my old Canon Digital iXUS400 camera to take different shots.  The camera is mounted onto a special 'adapter' made for this type of camera where the camera lens is positioned over the telescope lens.

I bought it off eBay for just US$20.00!  But I wish to get a simple and cheap SLR/DSLR body only with controls for ISO and time-based captures for Deepsky Objects (DSO).  This camera can be fitted with a 'T-adapter' for larger cameras to the back-end of the telescope.

It comes in a nice case!

My lens set (6 pieces) which I bought it online on promotional price for only the equivalent of RM403, and this includes 7 planetary filters  In Malaysia one lens costs RM180!

In the future, I would like to get a C8 SGT (8") for some serious astro viewing and photography.  C8 SGT (XLT) Schmidt cassegrain telescope. Go to Celestron.com for more info.

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