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Monday, April 23, 2012

The Orion Nebula (M42).

The Great Orion Nebula - M42

The Orion Nebula as seen from my 102mm (4-inch) cassegrain-maksutov telescope, the Celestron Nexstar 4 SE.  It is the easiest, brightest  nebula that can be seen with the naked eye.  More normally be better seen with a simple binoculars, one can see it as a 'bright-whitish' cloud located in the constellation of Orion; which within itself has many messier objects and other nebulas like the Horsehead Nebula and the Witchhead Nebula.  The photo above is a 'flipped image', a trademark of all cassegrain reflector telescopes.  Just 'flip' the image like a page to the left, and you'll have the correct orientation.  See 'Telescopes' for other examples and explanation

The constellation of Orion with the Orion Nebula (lower middle).

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